ITS UK is launching a new economic study to understand the size and impact of the intelligent transport sector in the UK.

ITS is clearly a vital industry for the country. It provides seamless travel for millions, supports the decarbonisation of the network, improves safety for those using the transport system and improves efficiency. Yet, when it comes to understanding the economic impact of the sector, there are limited figures on how ITS contributes to economic growth, jobs and tax revenue.

This Study will support ITS UK in its advocacy to decision makers, particularly helping make the case for the industry ahead of the Government’s Spending Review II.

Assessing the Size of the ITS sector

ITS UK has commissioned Capital Economics, a world leading provider of independent macro-economic research, to carry out a study into the economic contribution of the intelligent transport sector. The study will seek to determine the economic impact of the industry, including induced impacts, showing how investment in ITS supports growth across the country.

1. Defining the ITS Sector

Defining the sector is the first challenge in the project, because ITS activities are multidisciplinary and intersectoral. ITS activities have been included in official statistics across a number of sectors, such as telecommunications, transportation, software development and vehicle manufacturing. The Economic Value of ITS Study will agree a definition to understand the scope of operations across the industry.

2. The benefits of ITS

The benefits of ITS will be developed through a comprehensive literature review, covering categories like economic performance and efficiency, environmental sustainability and safety and risk management. This will help show the benefits beyond the economic value.

3. The economic contribution of ITS

Capital Economics will use standard economic techniques based on a range of official statistics to model the direct, indirect and induced effects of the operations of ITS UK businesses. These will translate into quantitative estimates of the number of jobs, economic activity (gross value added) and tax revenue directly and indirectly supported by ITS businesses’.

Support the Study

There are a number of ways you can support this initiative.

Join the Advisory Group

ITS UK is accepting applications from senior professionals across the membership to support the Study. By being part of the Advisory Board, you will help support ITS UK in determining the scope of the transport technology sector; act as champions for the project; provide feedback on the report, ahead of publication.

Applications are open until Wednesday 5 February.

Sponsor the Study

ITS UK is looking for sponsors to support the study. Sponsors will benefit from a number of brand awareness raising opportunities, including having the chance to include a case study in the report, to be involved in the launch event and have their logo associated throughout.