ITS UK welcomes Transport Committee call for legislation on self-driving vehicles

Intelligent Transport Systems UK (ITS UK), the voice of the UK transport technology industry, has welcomed a report from Parliament’s Transport Committee calling for the Government to press ahead with legislation for self-driving vehicles.

Responding to the report, Max Sugarman, Chief Executive of Intelligent Transport Systems UK (ITS UK), said: “Last week, as Parliament returned from summer recess, we published a letter to the Prime Minister signed by more than 50 organisations from the transport technology sector calling for a Future of Transport Bill to be introduced in the King’s Speech. So, today, it’s great to see Parliament’s Transport Committee back the call for legislation, urging the Government to move forward with measures for the safe, secure and successful introduction of self and remote-driving.

“The UK transport technology sector is critical for the UK and can do even more in supporting jobs, investment and economic growth across the country. Trials of self-driving vehicles show the potential of this technology, yet without the right regulatory and policy environment, the UK is at risk of losing its competitive advantage and not making full use of the fantastic work being developed in our connected and automated mobility sector.

“Now is the time for the Government to move forward, building upon the Law Commission’s recommendations, to set out a legal framework in which this sector can grow and thrive further. By doing so, we can ensure this technology is rolled out in the right way, allowing the transport network to reap the many benefits self-driving technology provides.”

Note to Editors

  1. The Transport Committee’s press release can be found here.
  2. The ITS UK Open Letter to the Prime Minister can be found here
  3. About ITS UK: Intelligent Transport Systems UK (ITS UK) is the voice of the transport technology industry. ITS UK provides a national platform to support the roll out of technology for a cleaner, safer and more effective transport network, both at home and abroad. We support our 150+ members – from both the private and public sector, and covering all sizes and disciplines – through advocacy to policy makers, connecting people and organisations, promoting the industry overseas and supporting innovation across the intelligent transport ecosystem.