Submission to Transport Data inquiry

Max Sugarman
Chief Executive

ITS UK has published its response to the Transport Select Committee’s inquiry on the future of transport data.

The inquiry looks at the potential uses of data to improve planning and delivery of transport services, management of transport assets, and helping transport users get around more quickly, efficiently and safely.

In its response, compiled with the support of members, ITS UK sets out a number of recommendations including:

  1. Central Government should work to set out a standard base level of data competency across transport authorities, from local to national levels.
  2. Government has a unique role in bringing together cities that own mobility data, but may be hesitant to share it, and suppliers who are able to use it, but are concerned about commerciality and competitiveness. Government should speed up moves to bring the parties together for cooperative, shared, innovative solutions that bring benefit to all, through projects like the NPP, digitalisation of TROs, BODS and Rail Data Marketplace.
  3. Government should create a ‘data fund’ for local authorities to fund operational expenditure for transport data services, and consider new funding models for local authority data services in the future.
  4. Transport authorities should develop a Data Strategy for the use of data in transport, considering key issues like security, ownership, discrimination and privacy. This should be guided by a national framework to ensure the right balance between giving businesses uniformity from one authority to another and giving local authorities enough flexibility in approach.
  5. Government should continue to fund the Future Transport Zones after 2024/25 and look to expand them to additional regions.

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ITS UK Submission to Future of Transport Data

ITS UK's response to the Transport Select Committee's inquiry on the Future of Transport Data.