Connected Vehicles Forum – Leadership Update

Rukshan Soysa
Rukshan Soysa
Operations Manager

With Andy Graham (White Willow Consulting) stepping down as Connected Vehicles Forum Chair after 10 years of service and Ian Pengelly (WSP) succeeding him, we were delighted to offer the opportunity for Forum Members to put themselves forward for the new Vice Chair role.  

We had six excellent candidates and after a vote by Forum members, a new Vice Chair role has been determined.  We received over 100 votes in total, an unprecedented number for a Forum officer election!  Many thanks to all those who voted;  it’s hugely encouraging to see many of you actively involved in the process.  

We’re pleased to announce that the new Vice Chair of the Connected Vehicles Forum is: 

Manish Shamanarendraiah of Arup    

Congratulations to Manish.  You can read his full bio below. 

Many thanks and commiserations to our excellent candidates Andy Fisher (National Highways), Greg Weingarten (Jacobs), Jill Hayden (Atkins), Piraba Navaratnam (AECOM) and Yousef Majeed (Arup). 

We look forward to working with Manish and the new Chair of the Forum, Ian Pengelly in 2023 and beyond.

Manish Shamanarendraiah, Senior Engineer Arup 

I am currently working as Senior Consultant with Arup. I am also an accredited Project Management Professional (PMP)® and a dedicated ITS technical specialist with eleven years of experience in Intelligent mobility solutions, traffic engineering, and Advanced Traveller Information Systems (ATIS) with substantial international experience globally (UK/EU, US, Middle East, Hong-Kong & India).

I have experience in both project managing and leading large scale ITS design schemes, including developing communication architecture, standards rescoping, design of control centres, developing use-case scenarios in the form of Concept of Operations (ConOps). I am also involved in commissions on Smart Motorways, mobility data-led projects that involves estimating future SRN mix with CAV estimations, which is also one of my interest area.  

Subject to an opportunity provided, I shall:

  • Stand in for the chairperson in his or her absence and support the Chairperson by working closely with him/her and accepting any delegated tasks within the CAV forum
  • Take responsibility for managing the forum effectively
  • Engage secretary and forum membership to effectively shape vision within the association on the CAV front
  • Considering the enormous interest within the Autonomous sector, I will reach out to various manufacturers, operators & key stakeholders in the transport industry besides the consultants that would add value to see what level of autonomous research is underway from their end, which would also generate interest and new membership avenues to ITS UK
  • Ensure technical discussions in CAV space will have a wider engagement panel who is involved in application or get benefit from the system (for e.g. input from traffic managers, operators, manufacturers and users)
  • Represent the organisation ITS UK at the local, regional, national, & international levels aligning with organisational values.